Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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The church invites its grateful throng-, And man's rude striving cease,
While all across our noble land, Shall glow the light of Peace.
Dedicated with respect and admiration to Maj.-Cien. Earl Van Dorn.
For sixty days and upward a storm of shell and shot, Rained 'round as in a flaming shower, but still we faltered
not!                           ____
"If the noble city perish," our grand young leader said, "Let the only walls the foe shall scale be ramparts of the
For sixty days and upward the eye of heaven waxed dim, And even throughout God"s holy morn, o'er Christian's prayer
and hymn, Arose a hissing tumult, as if the fiends of air, Strove to engulf the voice of faith in shriekings of despair.
There was wailing in the houses, there was trembling on the
marts, While the tempest raged and thundered 'midst the silent
thrill of hearts ; But the Lord, our shield, was with us—and ere a month had
sped, Our very women walked the streets, with scarce one throb of